Thursday, December 4, 2008

Well, to all or any who may be out there, I'm still alive. I had a new left knee installed on Nov. 10. Since then, I've been kinda out of it. I discovered the joys of developing anxiety. Lisa says it's a reaction to my pain medications - which, as you may guess, is pretty important after major surgery.
They get you up the day after surgery in the hospital. I took a few steps and gave back the small amount of liquid diet I had in me. I took a few more steps the next day and almost made it back to bed before 'losing it' again.
I came home on Thursday, the 14th. In the meantime, Lisa had been admitted to American Fork hospital with pneumonia. She came home the following Monday.
So we're doing OK. Lots of help from friends and family. Many kudos to Heather who has kept us fed and looked after us while chasing 2 of the cutest little wild girls ever created.
Scott has been by lots to help try and keep me sane.
We're on the mend, with a few bumps along the way. Lisa started developing a rash on Monday this week - turns out she has shingles.
Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

HeatherA said...

I can't even tell you how horrible I feel that I gave mom my shingles. I swear, the doctor told me that you couldn't spread shingles, but he must have been lying through his teeth or something :( I'm glad you guys are both out of the hospital though. Phew!