Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's January 18

So here I am, still alive and 62 years old.
I went to work last Monday and have been hobbling along and getting back into the swing of the workin' guy.
I continue to improve a little........I have been the recipient of many blessings just this week. When I get weak and weary of life, Heavenly Father reminds me that all things are in His hands.
Lisas has been also continuing her quest to figure out life. She got over shingles - has a few little scars for that. She has now received over 25 units of blood and a few of platelets. Her marrow has been damaged by the chemotherapy and will be a while ?? before her poor body can produce enough red cells on its own.
Her newest malady (one a month or so) is a growth on her left "cheek". Iy's a fluid filled sac that grows a little each day and will continue to do so until it is surgically removed. It rests right on her sacril(sp?) nerve, so sitting is painful. We hope to have it removed this week. Have I mentioned that I am VERY grateful for a great health insurance? Thanks to Nestle and IHC.
I haven't been up to much other than what I've mentioned. I dearly love Lisa and am very hopeful for at least recovery enough for her to walk and do stairs by herself.
Love to all.


Robert said...

Nice to hear from you again. God is always with you. So are we. Love ya. sri

HeatherA said...

You're a caring and loving husband to Mom. She is so lucky to have you. And I know that she loves you just as much. Hang in there you guys!