Monday, June 29, 2009

Just another manic Monday

Well, it could be a lot worse. 'had a good Sunday. Although my voice is pretty crappy, I sang in the Ward choir yesterday. I'm there for moral support - there are about 10 -12 in the choir.
Lisa is doing a little better each day. She is trying to wean herself of of some meds. It sometimes is a good thing, but she often has insomnia. She's a trooper. She's been moving forward with genealogical research with help from
My knee is pretty good most of the time. There are days, however, that it hurts. Luckily, those days are few.
I have actually been doing a little modelling lately. What with upwards of a hundred kits, I thought it would be good to actually do some assembling. It's always been enjoyable to me and generally relaxing.
I have had some philosophical thoughts as of late. It's interesting to me (Mr. non-competition) that some people are so headstrong. Many folks get to be teenagers and really think they know better than anyone what's best for them. I remember (vaguely) arguing with my mom about things - she was very lenient with me and I always knew she loved me. But some people never grow out of this attitude (the I know best thing). Looking back now as an older person, it's amazing. Some are so prideful that they will defend their OPINION as rock solid truth. They'll get angry, even come to blows or separate themselves because of how they feel about things. I have certain core values and principles, but I really try to be flexible with my opinions. I think the world would be better if everyone tried to be a little more liberal (in the traditional sense) in our dealings with each other. We ought to see that sometimes we should just agree to disagree and still be friends.
I miss a lot of those I have known in my life and are not close to where I live now.
Tell someone you care about that you do. Life's really too short to hold grudges. No one of us is perfect- only one person I know of was.