Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tolerance and balance

I have a few thoughts lately about propriety. This has been brought home recently because of Elder Packer's talk in General Conference. Why do people get so bent out of shape because of comments given of truth? Pres. Packer didn't suggest we hate or misuse those who are pursuing a different and immoral lifestyle. It's a sin. Period. What he said was that we hate the sin and love the sinner. Sin is wrong in God's eyes. Homosexuality is unatural. So is infidelity in marriage as well as fornication. Do we then hate those persons engaged in it. No way. We are commanded to love others. Pray for them.
If someone gets in my face and suggests that I am wrong, I'll get upset. I have a code of conduct for my life. I know I'm not perfect, far from it. I will not say that a sinful life is a great life. No, I don't think Tennessee Williams is a person that I admire or honor. I'd rather honor those who are trying to live a Christian life against the obstacles of this life we are in.
I still love others who may be breaking the law of chastity,however, I am not their judge. Heavenly Father is. I believe that our society has slipped its moral moorings. I cannot change the world, only try to do the best I can to be a person of faith. And I WILL honor the leaders of my church and other churches who persuade all mankind to follow a virtuous life.
God will hold me accountable if I don't say this.
I believe that when my life is over, I will stand before God for an accounting. He will ask me - how did you treat your wife and family. And how did you treat your fellow man.
I have a ways to go yet. I love all my family and those who have been kind to me. I try to be kind to those who "despitefully use" me. I want to be like Jesus. Simple to say, but hard to do.
I miss my sweetheart, Lisa Jan Gentry.
Love to all and In God We Trust.