Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hate crimes, etc.

I've been going through some head changes of late. I am now in favor of legalizing marijuana. I certainly don't have any desire to smoke the stuff, but - I think there are many benefits to the hemp plant, not the buds. And right now, any growing of it for any purpose is illegal. Silly. Look at the history of this, and you'll see how government got way off track.

Now to the hate crimes thing. I simply don't believe in the concept. Some people in legislative position seem to want to respond to public polling in their desire to keep that job as long as they can - justification, you see.
I think a murder is a murder and should be punished as such. An abuse is an abuse, period. We (us, county,state,etc.) should administer punishment to fit the crime. If a gangsta or a mentally challenged person commits murder, then he or she should be speedily disposed of. If there are REASONABLE circumstances, those should be looked, of course. But we need to get back to a government of laws, not people (and lawyers). If some redneck boys take a gay fella out and abuse or kill him, they should be dealt with as the law requires. If a celebrity commits a serious felony - convict and execute judgment. We have a myriad of special investigative tools at the disposal of authorities. Let's get back to reason in our courts.
It's like sexual harassment. There are legitimate offences - and they should be severely dealt with. But whenever a person is applying for employment in a workplace that is, shall we say, rather insensitive, and that person, pursues the employment, they shouldn't move in and expect everyone else change to meet their standards.
I am not condoning nudie calendars in the workplace, but let's be reasonable here.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Very interesting!!!!