Well, it's been a while, hasn't it?
I don't like the idea of trophy hunting. I'm not really a hunter myself. I think that hunting for meat is a good thing, if that's what you enjoy. I just like shooting paper (targets).
The confederate battle flag. If you like it - seems a lot of folks do - just to show their "rebel" side. Personally, I don't care. It's just a piece of history to me. It doesn't represent anything to do with slavery, racism, etc. - To ME. But there is an element of society that is so intent on repressing things that are past, they feel a need to "get rid of it all". In European countries, you can't have swasticas on models - crazy! It's past history. Waving a Nazi flag in a parade - or a confederate flag, that's different.
I love my family. I am now a great grandpa to Trinty Raven Clark. Makes me proud.
I now have 3 grandkids in the military, Josh, Sierra and Myles - again, I'm proud. So far, life's been good to me - much more than I have ever deserved.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
A few thoughts as I grow older
In view of the changing culture that I live in (these are my thoughts. if you don't agree, pass on by):
I don't believe in persecuting those who have an "alternate lifestyle", never have. That said, I don't enthusiastically embrace the big change going on in the country I love. I don't accept gay marriage. With all the media attention on this issue, I disagree. Social unions, OK. If that's your thing, go for it. But right is right and wrong is wrong. God's laws don't change. I accept the fact that Our Savior's love is unconditional for all God's children. And I accept that people should love their children pretty much unconditionally. But I am grateful that I haven't had to deal with having a gay child or grandchild. There would have been some lines drawn if I had. If others feel differently, so be it.
I believe in the Bill of Rights, particularly the Second Amendment. I don't believe in open carry. I do believe that we have been given the right to self defence by the Framers. If people abuse these rights, they should be punished.
I believe that the Progressive movement is evil. and I believe that confusion and deception are tools of Satan to try and destroy the inherent rights and goodness of God's children.
I believe that these things are wrong:
abortion on demand, gun control, Federal control of laws not specified by our Constitution, overreaching control in "protecting" environments, control over what people can eat, open marketing of marijuana, etc.
There are always exceptions. And I believe that the majority of people in a civilized society will choose the right. I also believe that our election process has been corrupted and controlled.
I believe that our university level institutions have been, in the main, been taken over by people with little or no regard for our country's history and values.
I believe Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century. He was able to accomplish his goals and lift the country's economy to bless the majority of Americans.
Some may read this and declare me to be an outdated relic. So be it. And thanks to all those men and women of our military, you have the right to disagree. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
I don't believe in persecuting those who have an "alternate lifestyle", never have. That said, I don't enthusiastically embrace the big change going on in the country I love. I don't accept gay marriage. With all the media attention on this issue, I disagree. Social unions, OK. If that's your thing, go for it. But right is right and wrong is wrong. God's laws don't change. I accept the fact that Our Savior's love is unconditional for all God's children. And I accept that people should love their children pretty much unconditionally. But I am grateful that I haven't had to deal with having a gay child or grandchild. There would have been some lines drawn if I had. If others feel differently, so be it.
I believe in the Bill of Rights, particularly the Second Amendment. I don't believe in open carry. I do believe that we have been given the right to self defence by the Framers. If people abuse these rights, they should be punished.
I believe that the Progressive movement is evil. and I believe that confusion and deception are tools of Satan to try and destroy the inherent rights and goodness of God's children.
I believe that these things are wrong:
abortion on demand, gun control, Federal control of laws not specified by our Constitution, overreaching control in "protecting" environments, control over what people can eat, open marketing of marijuana, etc.
There are always exceptions. And I believe that the majority of people in a civilized society will choose the right. I also believe that our election process has been corrupted and controlled.
I believe that our university level institutions have been, in the main, been taken over by people with little or no regard for our country's history and values.
I believe Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century. He was able to accomplish his goals and lift the country's economy to bless the majority of Americans.
Some may read this and declare me to be an outdated relic. So be it. And thanks to all those men and women of our military, you have the right to disagree. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Tolerance and balance
I have a few thoughts lately about propriety. This has been brought home recently because of Elder Packer's talk in General Conference. Why do people get so bent out of shape because of comments given of truth? Pres. Packer didn't suggest we hate or misuse those who are pursuing a different and immoral lifestyle. It's a sin. Period. What he said was that we hate the sin and love the sinner. Sin is wrong in God's eyes. Homosexuality is unatural. So is infidelity in marriage as well as fornication. Do we then hate those persons engaged in it. No way. We are commanded to love others. Pray for them.
If someone gets in my face and suggests that I am wrong, I'll get upset. I have a code of conduct for my life. I know I'm not perfect, far from it. I will not say that a sinful life is a great life. No, I don't think Tennessee Williams is a person that I admire or honor. I'd rather honor those who are trying to live a Christian life against the obstacles of this life we are in.
I still love others who may be breaking the law of chastity,however, I am not their judge. Heavenly Father is. I believe that our society has slipped its moral moorings. I cannot change the world, only try to do the best I can to be a person of faith. And I WILL honor the leaders of my church and other churches who persuade all mankind to follow a virtuous life.
God will hold me accountable if I don't say this.
I believe that when my life is over, I will stand before God for an accounting. He will ask me - how did you treat your wife and family. And how did you treat your fellow man.
I have a ways to go yet. I love all my family and those who have been kind to me. I try to be kind to those who "despitefully use" me. I want to be like Jesus. Simple to say, but hard to do.
I miss my sweetheart, Lisa Jan Gentry.
Love to all and In God We Trust.
If someone gets in my face and suggests that I am wrong, I'll get upset. I have a code of conduct for my life. I know I'm not perfect, far from it. I will not say that a sinful life is a great life. No, I don't think Tennessee Williams is a person that I admire or honor. I'd rather honor those who are trying to live a Christian life against the obstacles of this life we are in.
I still love others who may be breaking the law of chastity,however, I am not their judge. Heavenly Father is. I believe that our society has slipped its moral moorings. I cannot change the world, only try to do the best I can to be a person of faith. And I WILL honor the leaders of my church and other churches who persuade all mankind to follow a virtuous life.
God will hold me accountable if I don't say this.
I believe that when my life is over, I will stand before God for an accounting. He will ask me - how did you treat your wife and family. And how did you treat your fellow man.
I have a ways to go yet. I love all my family and those who have been kind to me. I try to be kind to those who "despitefully use" me. I want to be like Jesus. Simple to say, but hard to do.
I miss my sweetheart, Lisa Jan Gentry.
Love to all and In God We Trust.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Hate crimes, etc.
I've been going through some head changes of late. I am now in favor of legalizing marijuana. I certainly don't have any desire to smoke the stuff, but - I think there are many benefits to the hemp plant, not the buds. And right now, any growing of it for any purpose is illegal. Silly. Look at the history of this, and you'll see how government got way off track.
Now to the hate crimes thing. I simply don't believe in the concept. Some people in legislative position seem to want to respond to public polling in their desire to keep that job as long as they can - justification, you see.
I think a murder is a murder and should be punished as such. An abuse is an abuse, period. We (us, county,state,etc.) should administer punishment to fit the crime. If a gangsta or a mentally challenged person commits murder, then he or she should be speedily disposed of. If there are REASONABLE circumstances, those should be looked, of course. But we need to get back to a government of laws, not people (and lawyers). If some redneck boys take a gay fella out and abuse or kill him, they should be dealt with as the law requires. If a celebrity commits a serious felony - convict and execute judgment. We have a myriad of special investigative tools at the disposal of authorities. Let's get back to reason in our courts.
It's like sexual harassment. There are legitimate offences - and they should be severely dealt with. But whenever a person is applying for employment in a workplace that is, shall we say, rather insensitive, and that person, pursues the employment, they shouldn't move in and expect everyone else change to meet their standards.
I am not condoning nudie calendars in the workplace, but let's be reasonable here.
Now to the hate crimes thing. I simply don't believe in the concept. Some people in legislative position seem to want to respond to public polling in their desire to keep that job as long as they can - justification, you see.
I think a murder is a murder and should be punished as such. An abuse is an abuse, period. We (us, county,state,etc.) should administer punishment to fit the crime. If a gangsta or a mentally challenged person commits murder, then he or she should be speedily disposed of. If there are REASONABLE circumstances, those should be looked, of course. But we need to get back to a government of laws, not people (and lawyers). If some redneck boys take a gay fella out and abuse or kill him, they should be dealt with as the law requires. If a celebrity commits a serious felony - convict and execute judgment. We have a myriad of special investigative tools at the disposal of authorities. Let's get back to reason in our courts.
It's like sexual harassment. There are legitimate offences - and they should be severely dealt with. But whenever a person is applying for employment in a workplace that is, shall we say, rather insensitive, and that person, pursues the employment, they shouldn't move in and expect everyone else change to meet their standards.
I am not condoning nudie calendars in the workplace, but let's be reasonable here.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Just another manic Monday
Well, it could be a lot worse. 'had a good Sunday. Although my voice is pretty crappy, I sang in the Ward choir yesterday. I'm there for moral support - there are about 10 -12 in the choir.
Lisa is doing a little better each day. She is trying to wean herself of of some meds. It sometimes is a good thing, but she often has insomnia. She's a trooper. She's been moving forward with genealogical research with help from Ancestry.com.
My knee is pretty good most of the time. There are days, however, that it hurts. Luckily, those days are few.
I have actually been doing a little modelling lately. What with upwards of a hundred kits, I thought it would be good to actually do some assembling. It's always been enjoyable to me and generally relaxing.
I have had some philosophical thoughts as of late. It's interesting to me (Mr. non-competition) that some people are so headstrong. Many folks get to be teenagers and really think they know better than anyone what's best for them. I remember (vaguely) arguing with my mom about things - she was very lenient with me and I always knew she loved me. But some people never grow out of this attitude (the I know best thing). Looking back now as an older person, it's amazing. Some are so prideful that they will defend their OPINION as rock solid truth. They'll get angry, even come to blows or separate themselves because of how they feel about things. I have certain core values and principles, but I really try to be flexible with my opinions. I think the world would be better if everyone tried to be a little more liberal (in the traditional sense) in our dealings with each other. We ought to see that sometimes we should just agree to disagree and still be friends.
I miss a lot of those I have known in my life and are not close to where I live now.
Tell someone you care about that you do. Life's really too short to hold grudges. No one of us is perfect- only one person I know of was.
Lisa is doing a little better each day. She is trying to wean herself of of some meds. It sometimes is a good thing, but she often has insomnia. She's a trooper. She's been moving forward with genealogical research with help from Ancestry.com.
My knee is pretty good most of the time. There are days, however, that it hurts. Luckily, those days are few.
I have actually been doing a little modelling lately. What with upwards of a hundred kits, I thought it would be good to actually do some assembling. It's always been enjoyable to me and generally relaxing.
I have had some philosophical thoughts as of late. It's interesting to me (Mr. non-competition) that some people are so headstrong. Many folks get to be teenagers and really think they know better than anyone what's best for them. I remember (vaguely) arguing with my mom about things - she was very lenient with me and I always knew she loved me. But some people never grow out of this attitude (the I know best thing). Looking back now as an older person, it's amazing. Some are so prideful that they will defend their OPINION as rock solid truth. They'll get angry, even come to blows or separate themselves because of how they feel about things. I have certain core values and principles, but I really try to be flexible with my opinions. I think the world would be better if everyone tried to be a little more liberal (in the traditional sense) in our dealings with each other. We ought to see that sometimes we should just agree to disagree and still be friends.
I miss a lot of those I have known in my life and are not close to where I live now.
Tell someone you care about that you do. Life's really too short to hold grudges. No one of us is perfect- only one person I know of was.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Tribute to a true friend
I awoke early this morning. This is unusual anymore, because of my work scheedule. I leave work usually about 9:45 p.m. I have become sort of a night owl - usually get to bed aroung midnight. But I digress.
My life has been blessed with the kindness of many people. Most of my friends as an adult have been non-LDS. I do count many as friends who are LDS, but I have many who aren't.
Of course, my children and grandchildren are always showing love to Lisa and me.
In the course of being married to my sweetie, we have come to know the goodness of Nan and Steve Christensen. They are an amazing duo. They have traits of true Christians. They sense a need and take care of it. They have done helpful things to us "above and beyond" what just an acqaintance would do. They will say "we'll be over next Saturday to ...........". Yes, there was a need and they just did it. No fanfare, no bragging - in fact Steve will probably be mad at me for even mentioning his name.
Their help has been a special blessing during the trials Lisa has been going through. I would have evntually got around to hanging the pictures on the wall (yeah, right). Not a big thing, you say. But these little deeds (to them ) were a breath of fresh air to my sweetheart who has been in a dark place for a year.
I am just one of many people who have been the recipient of their kindnesses.......and I wanted anyone who sees this to know of my admiration and love for them.
Happy Easter. (my favorite holiday).
My life has been blessed with the kindness of many people. Most of my friends as an adult have been non-LDS. I do count many as friends who are LDS, but I have many who aren't.
Of course, my children and grandchildren are always showing love to Lisa and me.
In the course of being married to my sweetie, we have come to know the goodness of Nan and Steve Christensen. They are an amazing duo. They have traits of true Christians. They sense a need and take care of it. They have done helpful things to us "above and beyond" what just an acqaintance would do. They will say "we'll be over next Saturday to ...........". Yes, there was a need and they just did it. No fanfare, no bragging - in fact Steve will probably be mad at me for even mentioning his name.
Their help has been a special blessing during the trials Lisa has been going through. I would have evntually got around to hanging the pictures on the wall (yeah, right). Not a big thing, you say. But these little deeds (to them ) were a breath of fresh air to my sweetheart who has been in a dark place for a year.
I am just one of many people who have been the recipient of their kindnesses.......and I wanted anyone who sees this to know of my admiration and love for them.
Happy Easter. (my favorite holiday).
Monday, March 23, 2009
Back again aftyer only 2 months

Well, life does get hectic, doesn't it. I have intended to be a bit more active on this thing, but time just rushes by.
Lisa is stable and, we hope, getting stronger by small increments. She was on liquid antibiotics for 8 weeks after surgery on her abcess, which she got after a bathroom fall (broke her pelic bone). I've been giving her the DanActive brand of yoghurt culture and try to keep fresh fruit for both of us. Yeah, yeah, old fart only talks about health issues. I remember thinking this.
My thanks to all the family for making efforts to come by and helping with the "space ball" antibiotics. And thank goodness we're through with that phase.
I mostly sleep (9-10 hours) then go to work. If i have an errand, I leave early for work. On weekends, I try to give Lisa a shower and we wqatch 3 discs of NCIS. I don't know what we'll watch after we get all caught up.
I'm still modelling - that is if you count buying and selling kits modelling. Soon it'll be warm enogh to go out and paint some of the kits that are WIP.
I am seriously worried about our country. Sometimes we have to deal with changes, but the prospect of our whole economic system is a possibility. I'm thinking positively as much as I can, but our government has become a big joke as far as I can see.
I will hang on to the gospel as my core of hope. I think that a lot has to go on before the Savior returns.....temple building and such, so the Church will need to continue to have the funds to accomplish many things. Anyway, as long as I can, I'll be a hopeful, happy person.
I'vwe come to the conclusion that the British Mosquito is my favorite WWII aircraft. I really like many planes of that era, but it's the top of the heap for me.
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