Well, life does get hectic, doesn't it. I have intended to be a bit more active on this thing, but time just rushes by.
Lisa is stable and, we hope, getting stronger by small increments. She was on liquid antibiotics for 8 weeks after surgery on her abcess, which she got after a bathroom fall (broke her pelic bone). I've been giving her the DanActive brand of yoghurt culture and try to keep fresh fruit for both of us. Yeah, yeah, old fart only talks about health issues. I remember thinking this.
My thanks to all the family for making efforts to come by and helping with the "space ball" antibiotics. And thank goodness we're through with that phase.
I mostly sleep (9-10 hours) then go to work. If i have an errand, I leave early for work. On weekends, I try to give Lisa a shower and we wqatch 3 discs of NCIS. I don't know what we'll watch after we get all caught up.
I'm still modelling - that is if you count buying and selling kits modelling. Soon it'll be warm enogh to go out and paint some of the kits that are WIP.
I am seriously worried about our country. Sometimes we have to deal with changes, but the prospect of our whole economic system is a possibility. I'm thinking positively as much as I can, but our government has become a big joke as far as I can see.
I will hang on to the gospel as my core of hope. I think that a lot has to go on before the Savior returns.....temple building and such, so the Church will need to continue to have the funds to accomplish many things. Anyway, as long as I can, I'll be a hopeful, happy person.
I'vwe come to the conclusion that the British Mosquito is my favorite WWII aircraft. I really like many planes of that era, but it's the top of the heap for me.